


45. 申请拨款程序 

It is the responsibility of the Office of Advancement to coordinate and keep thorough records of all grant requests issued 我代表学院 to government and non-government 实体. 工作人员 and faculty members who are considering submitting grant proposals to government 实体, private foundations or other funding sources must advise the Office of Advancement of these plans prior to the actual writing or submission of 请求,以便进行适当的协调. 进步办公室会的 work with interested individuals to ensure that the grant concept has preliminary approval of his or her chair and/or dean as well as the appropriate Vice-President 拨款申请开始前.
This process is as follows (the process steps are available in a checklist format (申请资助者):


a. One copy of the Request for Authorization to Submit a Grant form should be completed 每笔建议拨款. 主要研究者或项目负责人应完成 the header section of the document by filling in the requested information. 表单 should be approved and signed by the division head/dean and then submitted to the Office of Advancement, where the Advancement staff will check it for possible conflicts 与网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的其他项目合作. 审核后,表格将被转发 to the appropriate 副总统 for approval and then returned to the requestor.

b. This phase ensures the most positive outcome for grant-writing efforts, including discussing possible collaboration with other departments, utilizing established contacts and sharing additional information about particular funding sources.


a. The principal investigator or project lead should obtain approval of the rough draft from the division head/dean (if applicable) and submit it with a copy of the 向发展办公室提供赠款指南(RFP).

b. 进步办公室会的 secure approval of the rough draft from the appropriate 副总统.

c. Time permitting; the Office of Advancement will perform a thorough evaluation of the document, providing comments and suggestions to help strengthen the proposal.

d. The document and approval form will be returned for final changes/edits.


a. The principal investigator or project lead should obtain approval of the final draft of the proposal from the division head/dean (if applicable).

b. At least two business days prior to the date that the proposal needs to be mailed or electronically submitted, the final draft should be submitted to the Office of Advancement, along with the completed approval form and the electronic text for a letter 的支持 to be signed by the president (The Office of Advancement has samples). Please note: proposals submitted with less than two days lead time may not meet the 申请的最后期限.

c. 进步办公室会的 secure approval of the final draft from the appropriate 副总统还是总统.


a. 进步办公室会的 submit the letter 的支持 and secure the president’s 签名. All materials will be returned to the requestor with the signed letter 的支持.


a. Please forward copies of correspondence regarding the approval or denial of each proposal to the Office of Advancement as soon as information is received. 这个信息 is important as we strive to keep thorough records of the college’s grant writing 活动. It also allows us to know when funding sources are available to pursue 对于其他项目.

b. Final drafts of all grant proposals must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate 副主席在提交之前. 此外,所有奖助金提案的副本 issued 我代表学院 as well as notification received regarding funding or denial of any pending grant request must be provided to the Office of Advancement within the month they are submitted to or received from the funding entity.

c. When more than one entity of the college is interested in submitting a grant request to one particular funding source during the same funding cycle, the following procedure 将被观察到:

d. If the granting entity accepts and prefers multiple proposals from one institution, the proposals will be submitted with a letter from the President (based on consultation with the appropriate 副总统 and the appropriate dean) ranking the proposals 基于机构优先事项.

e. If only one proposal can be submitted to a granting entity, the President in consultation with the appropriate 副总统 will determine which proposal is submitted. 那些 interested must submit a preliminary proposal summary to the President or designee through the Office of Advancement, which includes institutional matching funds expected.


46. The Office of Advancement is responsible for assisting staff and faculty members 在他们努力写助学金的过程中,有以下几种方式: 

a. Review drafts of grant requests and make suggestions prior to their submission.
b. Assist in the research of possible funding sources for particular projects or 学院的需求.
c. 协助决定是否有匹配的基金可用作奖助金.
d. Assist in locating institutional documents necessary for submission of the request.
e. When needed and available, provide administrative assistance in preparing the 提交申请.
f. When archives are established, provide information about grant requests submitted 我代表学院.