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ADA Grievances

I. Scope and Purpose 

This procedure applies to all Snow College students and campus guests. Procedures 针对可能因残疾而受到歧视的大学员工 在雪学院人事政策中有概述,并由学院的 Human Resource Office. 此程序的目的是协助学院履行其职责 管理和执行适用的联邦和州法律以及学校政策 与不歧视学生或校园客人有关的残疾.

II. Policy Statement 

根据美国残疾人法案(ADA),第504条的康复 1973年法案和其他适用法律,雪学院采取适当行动,以确保 它的项目和服务对有资格的个人来说是很容易获得的 disabilities. No qualified student or campus guest with a disability shall, on the basis of the disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit 属于或以其他方式受到与任何机构有关的歧视 programs or activities. All college employees are expected to adhere to Snow College ADA/Sec. 504 policies. The college has the right and responsibility to resolve allegations of discrimination based on disability.

报复是被禁止的,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行也会调查并解决指控 of retaliation against individuals who have raised claims of discrimination based on disability or who have cooperated in an investigative process in some manner.

III. Filing Process 

申诉必须向无障碍服务/ADA协调员(协调员)提交。. 协调员将询问投诉人(在那里索赔的学生或校园客人) (歧视)提交一份书面报告,描述所谓的歧视. The Coordinator will arrange assistance with this procedure, if needed. A grievance should be filed as soon as reasonably possible after the incident but will not be accepted more than 90 calendar days from the last act of alleged discrimination. Snow 学院将考虑延长这段时间超过90天的请求,当 投诉人可以证明他或她需要额外的时间,因为情况超出 his or her control.

投诉人将与协调员会面,讨论指控和决议 处理申诉的过程和选项(非正式的、正式的). 投诉人在提交正式投诉前不需要遵循非正式程序 grievance. The Respondent (the individual accused of discrimination) will be notified of the grievance within 10 working days after it is filed.

Informal:协调员可向投诉人提供自愿讨论的机会 allegations and concerns with the Respondent (directly or through the Coordinator or some other mediator) to attempt to resolve the allegation. The Complainant is not required to do this to move forward with a formal grievance. The Coordinator will 通知被调查者他或她的行为受到了质疑,是否非正式 resolution has been sought. The Coordinator may interview witnesses, obtain statements 或投诉人和被投诉人提供的其他证据,或在 attempting informal resolution of a grievance. The Coordinator will provide both parties 通过非正式会议解决的任何申诉的书面摘要 process. If informal attempts to resolve the situation are not successful, the Coordinator 会立即通知投诉人他或她可以提出正式申诉吗.

Formal如果投诉人选择提交正式申诉,协调员将进行处理 全面调查,并向投诉人提交书面调查结果 and the Respondent. If the Coordinator determines that the alleged discrimination 或者发生了报复,他或她将报告这一发现,并可能建议纠正 通过副校长办公室向适当的学院官员投诉 for Student Success. Recommendations may, 酌情包括停止任何正在进行的歧视或报复的指示; 建议对被申请人或其他人采取纪律处分或其他纠正措施; 为投诉人提供补救歧视影响的建议救济或 retaliation; and any other action or reasonable accommodation considered necessary 确保歧视或报复行为得到纠正,不再发生.

The Coordinator will complete investigations as expeditiously as possible. The investigation 一般应在提交正式申诉后45个工作天内完成。 including written notification of the parties of the outcome of the investigation. 在特殊情况下,协调员可合理延长此时间 period. All parties will be notified if such an extension is necessary.

Appeal: 就正式的申诉调查的结果,可以书面向 投诉人或被投诉人负责学生成功的副校长办公室 within 10 working days of receipt of the Coordinator’s determination. Either party 可以根据先前未获得的新证据的发现对决定提出上诉 程序程序有重大不正常之处,可能影响结果 or a claim that the decision was not supported by the facts or the law. The appellant should be as specific as possible in setting out the basis for appeal. The determination of the Office of the Vice President for Student Success is final.

在任何时候,在提出申诉之前,或在投诉程序进行中, a Complainant may file their grievance with an appropriate external agency. A complete list of agencies, along with contact information, is available from the Office of the Vice President for Student Success, 150 College Avenue, Ephraim, UT 84627. Phone 435-283-7100.

IV. Confidentiality 

无障碍服务/《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》协调员受理任何歧视或歧视指控 严正报复,并致力于保护调查的公正性 process including confidentiality and the due process rights of all individuals. Note that all those involved (the Respondent, the Complainant, and the witnesses) have privacy interests. Therefore, outside the scope of the investigation, all parties 是否被告知不要公开或泄露诉讼的性质或身份 of those involved.

V. Right to Advisor 

The Complainant and the Respondent each have the right to bring an advisor to any investigative meeting. If either party chooses to exercise this option, he or she shall submit the name of the advisor in writing to the Accessibility Services/ADA Coordinator at least 72 hours prior to a meeting. If either the Complainant or the 被投诉人的顾问是在无障碍服务/ADA方面获得法律学位或资格的人 Coordinator must be notified.

VI. Responsibilities and Jurisdiction of the Accessibility Services/ADA Coordinator 

符合联邦和州法律以及与非歧视相关的大学政策, 无障碍服务/《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》协调员调查有关非法歧视的投诉 and/or retaliation on the basis of physical or mental disability. The Accessibility 服务/ADA协调员将进行充分、可靠和公正的调查 对网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的此类投诉进行调查,并作出书面决定 investigations.

VII. Transfer of Function 

If a grievance, whether informal or formal, is directed against the Accessibility 服务/ADA协调员或负责学生成功的副校长决定 是调解人解决申诉时产生的其他利益冲突, 负责学生成功的副校长将把协调员的职能移交给 this procedure to another appropriate official of the College. If a grievance, whether 不管是正式的还是非正式的,都是针对学生副校长办公室的 如果成功,这些程序赋予该办事处的职能将移交给 the Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President.

Cidney Shinsel, Coordinator of Disability Services
phone: 435.283.7321
Office: Greenwood Student Center * Suite 241 * Ephraim Campus
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5 pm.